Melbourne Property Market Update – July 27, 2013

By Peter Sarmas on 27 Jul 2013
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Big four bank satisfaction rates have reached an 18-year high










This week the REIV released their June quarterly statistics, which showed an improvement in Melbourne’s median house price, hinting at a promising spring property market.

• In her weekly market wrap, Catherine Cashmore examines why median property prices differ between data providers.
Big four bank satisfaction rates have reached an 18-year high, thanks to mortgage customers.
• How do you judge the value of a property? The REIWA explains the three options you might consider to get a reasonable indication.
• Buyer’s advocate Cate Bakos explores Yarraville’s enchanting attributes in her weekly Street Talk article.
• And a $21.44 million mansion on the Gold Coast has sold for a comparatively paltry $5 million – and it still isn’t finished.


About the Author

Peter Sarmas is a Certified Property Investment Advisor (PIAA) and Vendor/Buyer Advocate. Before becoming the founder of Street News, Peter completed a Degree in Applied Science (Chemistry) and a Graduate Diploma in Property Valuations (Hons). Peter believes property investing is a major and potentially risky undertaking. In his view, everyone should have an independent person acting on their behalf when seeking property investment advice.

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