Melbourne Auction Market Records

By CoreLogic RP Data on 29 May 2014
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With the first 5 months of 2014 almost complete, it is worth noting that a large number of auction records have been broken in the Melbourne market.

Highest Volume of Auctions Ever

Taking into account the expected auctions this week there have been around 16,236 auctions already held this year which is 30 per cent more than the previous high in 2010.

Most 1,000 Plus Weeks Ever

Once the planned auctions scheduled for this week are held, there will have been 10 weeks in the year when the volume has exceeded 1,000. This is more than three times the record of three weeks in 2010.

Most Consecutive Weeks Over 1,000

Never before has Melbourne seen two or even three consecutive weeks with over 1,000 auctions before June.

Single Week Record for Auctions Prior to June

Melbourne has broken the 1,294 auction recorded three times this year including the peak of 1,530 in the week ending on 13 April.

Most Homes Sold by Auction Prior to June

Even if there are no homes sold at auction this week, the number sold by auction will have been reached a record high. The previous record of 9,758 from 2010 will probably be exceeded by around 1,000.

These records are impressive as they show a healthy market but they don’t mean that it has been just a sellers market. Around one third of homes offered at auction have been passed in as the vendors expectations have not been matched by the market on the day.

This article was originally published by RP Data.

Photo courtsey of: Reinis Traidas/Flickr Commons

About the Author

RP Data is the largest provider of property information, analytics and risk management services in Australia and New Zealand with a database of 220 million property records. RP Data services customers ranging from real estate agents and consumers to banks, mortgage brokers, financial planners and government bodies.

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