Melbourne Property Market Update – May 30th, 2015

By Peter Sarmas on 30 May 2015
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Melbourne On Track To Become World’s Densest City

Central Melbourne is rapidly transforming into a high-density urban jungle as lax planning regulation allows the unchecked proliferation of multi-storey apartment towers. Marc Howe of Sourceable Industry news covers a report from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia investigating planning policies around the world for hyper-dense, high-rise residential environments.

1958 New Apartments For South Melbourne, Southbank And Port Melbourne

Seven new towers worth $570 million will be built in Melbourne’s Fishermans Bend precinct, which will include four apartment towers, a supermarket and retail space. Read the full report from Sourceable Industry News.

Cold Hand Of The Regulator On Bank’s Investment Lending

Have we reached the end of the mortgage lending boom? Martin North of Digital Finance Analytics talks about the recent bank results and how many banks were above the APRA target of 10% portfolio growth.

Commercial Market Update – Richmond Cityscope

The latest research from Richmond Cityscope shows commercial property sales have increased in the past three months. Read the report from CoreLogic RP Data which includes recent standout sales and properties for sale in Richmond.

Are Cities Outgrowing The Automobile?

Gilles Vesco, the politician responsible for sustainable transport in Lyon and a leading player in introducing the city’s Vélo’v bike-sharing scheme, has a vision of cities in which residents no longer rely on their cars. Read more of this interesting article provided by Sourceable Industry News.

Car Space Adds More Than $100,000 To Apartment Price

Thinking of buying an apartment in Melbourne? REIV talks about median prices for apartments, with and without car spaces, in central Melbourne in this “must read” report.


About the Author

Peter Sarmas is a Certified Property Investment Advisor (PIAA) and Vendor/Buyer Advocate. Before becoming the founder of Street News, Peter completed a Degree in Applied Science (Chemistry) and a Graduate Diploma in Property Valuations (Hons). Peter believes property investing is a major and potentially risky undertaking. In his view, everyone should have an independent person acting on their behalf when seeking property investment advice.

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